CHAIRMAN'S BLOG January 2025
Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane Ashtead Surrey KT21 2BE
Dear Customers and Friends,
Happy New Year 2025!
Now we have come to the end of our very special Centenary Year, 2024, we want to thank all our regular customers and users for their continued support and encouragement. We have raised over £50,000 in donations and a grant towards the costs of our "Go Green" project and are very grateful to all concerned. We are now continuing in 2025 with our aim to be carbon neutral by 2030. This will involve further insulation and replacement of lights with LEDs as well as working towards replacing the boiler and eventually the gas cookers with more modern and carbon reducing equivalents. We are researching these and will let you know our plans in due course as they become clearer.
The Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall was built to celebrate the Peace following the first world war.
It has been run by volunteer trustees ever since that time. We have a wonderful team and so many valuable customers and friends. It is a pleasure to be part of this lively community of Ashtead.
Further details on
Many of our regular groups are booked in for exciting and interesting events for their
members. Have a look at our REGULAR USERS page and see if you would like to join
one of the groups.
We look forward to enjoying your company at the hall in the near future.
All good wishes
Jane Hiley
Jane Hiley - Chairman of Trustees